One Software Package Does It All . . . MedTrans Pro!
“From the moment your phone or fax rings with a client trip request, MedTrans Pro takes over. In seconds the user creates a new client profile. The types of service and rates established by the insurance carriers and service providers in your area are automatically calculated. Moments later, a new trip can be set up for your client and will immediately appear on your dispatch screen. Multiple trip requests for the same client can be added with the touch of a single button! Within minutes, your trip can be assigned and a vehicle dispatched to your client’s residence or medical facility. Once the trip is completed an invoice can be generated with a single click of a button. Posting is a snap! MedTrans Pro automatically date stamps all entries and provides user information for more effective record keeping. Alert systems allow immediate communication with all users. Comprehensive financial data appears instantly in the Reports Module.”
(585) 288-3444
Take a look at the many features by touring Medtrans Pro. Click on the icon to see the description of the feature.
Medical Transportation Software, Software for Medical Transportation, Handicap Transportation Software, AmbuletteTransportation Software, Stretcher Transportation Software.
Six Integrated Modules Customized to Fit Your Specific Business Needs!
MedTrans Pro was developed over a period of six years by a team of software engineers and designers working day-by-day with one of ...